Independent Nick Troiano Releases First TV Ad in Pennsylvania Congressional Race

Nick Troiano, a 25-year-old independent campaigning in Pennsylvania’s 10th congressional district, released his first television ad earlier today.

Titled “Washington’s a Zoo,” Troiano’s light-hearted, 30-second commercial features the young candidate standing between an elephant and a donkey and railing against paralyzing partisanship in the Beltway.

“All the squabbling, nothing getting done,” declares Troiano. “Both sides seem to care more about scoring points for the party than solving problems for the people.”

Meanwhile, he continued, “our nation’s debt continues to pile up, leaving the next generation to clean up the mess.”

The commercial concludes with Troiano cleaning up after an elephant and saying, “I’m sick of both parties’ crap.”

Troiano, who recently gained the endorsement of the 2012 Democratic nominee in that district and is being supported by no fewer than 21 local mayors — 13 Republicans and 8 Democrats — in that sprawling, fifteen-county district in northeast Pennsylvania, qualified for the ballot in late July after submitting nominating petitions containing more than 7,000 signatures, nearly twice the number needed.

Troiano, who impressively raised more than $85,000 within weeks of entering the race this past spring, is challenging two-term Republican incumbent Tom Marino and Democrat Scott Brion in the November election.

One Comment

  1. He may be young, but if you met him and talked to him you would feel the commitment to the
    people. I had the opportunity to see him as he walked around the fair meeting everyone in his path. He asked and listened to every age person on what they felt was important and what their
    concerns were. He kept this up for hours, never becoming inattentive to anyone. His youth proved to be his advantage after all. If for some far off chance he does not win I hope for all
    our sakes he runs again. Make sure to check Nick Troiano out before you vote.

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