Miserable person Ann Coulter
If you’re planning to support a Libertarian candidate for U.S. Senate this November, Ann Coulter has a message for you. The conservative columnist would like to end your life.
Her latest column is a “to-do list to Save America” or some such nonsense. In it she takes shots at John McCain and Rand Paul, and then begs everyone to donate money to Scott Brown’s senatorial campaign in New Hampshire. What?
Apparently, it’s all about control of the U.S. Senate, the single most important thing in the world to Coulter. And the biggest threat? Somehow, it’s Libertarians.
“The biggest current danger for Republicans is that idiots will vote for Libertarian candidates in do-or-die Senate elections, including Kentucky, Kansas, North Carolina and Colorado,” she writes. “When we’re all dying from lack of health care across the United States of Mexico, we’ll be deeply impressed with your integrity, libertarians.”
She then ends her column with this: “Which brings me to my final assignment this week: If you are considering voting for the Libertarian candidate in any Senate election, please send me your name and address so I can track you down and drown you.“
Coulter is a miserable clown who makes her living by lobbing these kinds of outrageous bombs out there. And I guess by writing about her column, I’m playing right into her hands.
So here’s an idea, if you want to send Coulter your address so she can come and kill you, consider doing it via the Federal Elections Commission. Make a donation to Robert Sarvis for U.S. Senate in Virginia, and then Ann will be able to look you up via the campaign’s FEC reports.
In case you were wondering, Ann Coulter lives at 242 Seabreeze Ave in Palm Beach, FL. The 52-year old’s home is pictured above, in a photo taken from Google Maps Street View.
Please don’t go there and drown her or anything like that. But if someone in Palm Beach wanted to leave a bag of dog poop on her doorstep, that might be pretty funny.
Or perhaps stick an Adrian Wyllie for Governor sign on her lawn.
Coulter has been especially off-the-wall this summer. See “Ann Coulter Screws Up Again” at http://t.co/IfJD3YVG3o.
Even conservatives are running away from her. See Never Trust Ann Coulter – at ANY Age, at http://www.coulterwatch.com/never.pdf.
If I were to vote there are plenty of Libertarians I’d vote for. But given the venom that undead creatures like Coulter spew out I’d rather for the Socialist Workers Party than vote for a Republican. In fact, I’d rather hold my nose and vote for a Democrat than support one more single religious wacko or hateful Coulter wannabe. The hate that pervades the GOP and especially people like Coulter is precisely why I want Republicans to lose.
Pingback: Ann Coulter Wants to Drown Libertarian Voters | Independent Political Report
Hmmmm, I always pictured more of a cave or maybe just a nice flat rock.
What? She enjoys dog poop! She’d just use it in her next column.
I will gladly give this woman my name and address. I sincerely hope she remembers that Texas is a Castle Doctrine state with a Stand Your Ground clause. My M1911 and I shall be waiting.
Ann Coulter is the Joan Rivers of politics. She is tacky and hateful, and goes ahead and says what people think. Many Americans on BOTH SIDES think America is WAY OFF COURSE. Ann Coulter is the characterization of the Republican evil as much as James Carvelle is the characterization of Democratic evil. Let’s put them into a cage and fight it out while the rest of us go and clean up this horribly corrupt nation. Neither party deserves to control government, but sadly not enough people will chose a third party and one of them will. If you want big
business controlling America vote Republican, if you want big
government controlling America, vote Democrat. If you want neither, then PLEASE vote Libertarian so Americans can get their country back.
I am running for Congress here in Oregon. I consider this an actual threat to my life and just may report her to my local police as threatening to kill people is not OK. I hope the Oregonians are tired of the Republican they have been electing for years and vote for someone new.
What a crappy little shit troll den she lives in. You’d think she has more money….
Wow, I always knew she was an idiot, but I never imagined her living in such a crappy house. Palm Beach is for old farts, I guess she services a few now and then for money.
Coulter is one of the most insightful and inelleigtnt women to stand in front of a microphone in 100 years, but she has a bitterness I can’t abide. Much as she has a sense of humor and even tolerates the likes of Bill Maher (they are close friends), her “schtick” of loathing atheists and certain stripes of liberals makes the hairs on my back stand up. Were it not for that, I might vote for her as a political candidate. Given that, however, I can take her only with a good belt of whisky. She’s as “media bogus” as Sarah Palin.